Everyone knows the notorious Rikers Island. There, prisoners are often held in inhumane, cruel conditions. Our plan is to relocate the prisoners at Rikers Island, and move prisoners to smaller, more modern, borough-wide jails. We are creating a website to raise awareness about this issue. We also will have a survey that allows the people in these communities to share their knowledge and opinion of this issue: this will allow us to gain citizen opinion and understand why there has been public opposition. This plan will benefit prisoners because they will be allowed better, more humane conditions, because at the end of the day, prisoners are still people and members of our community, even if they have committed crimes. This will benefit citizens because there will be less crime in the community; the prisoners will be tamed, and they will not wish to commit a crime again.

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Credits: House: https://www.fenwayrealty.com/house-logo-hi/ Scroll: https://cognigen-cellular.com/explore/scroll-clipart-small-scroll/ Cell: http://clipart-library.com/cartoon-jail-cell.html Others: Not applicable.